At AiRISTA, we built our Social Distancing and Contact Tracing solution to account for the dynamic nature of healthcare guidelines. As knowledge of the coronavirus increases, updates to contact tracing recommendations are inevitable.
In late October, the CDC updated its guidance. Initially, the CDC recommended tracing contacts with infected individuals that were at least 15 minutes in duration and within 6 feet. That guidance has now been updated to include contacts whose cumulated time is 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period.
Because AiRISTA allows dynamic configuration setting of our wearable tags, customers can update settings to adhere to the new CDC guidelines. By changing the following settings in the cloud portal, updates will be pushed to tags the next time the tag reports.
Minimum Contact Time = 1 min (previous recommendation was 15 minutes)
Grace Contact Time = 1 min (previous recommendation was 2 minutes)
Report Interval Time = 10 minutes (previous recommendation was 15 minutes)

Updates to the cloud portal’s Dashboards and Reports will be in place early November.