Introduction of the sofia RTLS platform version 7.2 extends the power of common workflows.

AiRISTA, a global leader in real time location services (RTLS), is proud to announce the introduction of sofia 7.2, a next-generation RTLS platform ready for an AI capable IoT world.

Most RTLS vendors can provide track & trace capabilities to help locate resources in the moment. But AiRISTA’s sofia RTLS platform goes beyond, to facilitate the workflows at heart of smoothly running operations. With the release of sofia 7.2, AiRISTA extends workflow flexibility and integration capabilities.

  • Asset Descriptions: custom descriptions for assets using freeform text
  • Advanced Asset Management: user definable statuses like “out of service” are used to trigger workflows
  • Intuitive Partner Integrations: simple integration of external workflow triggers in sofia’s Rule Composer via MQTT, API and HTTP
  • Global Search UX: powerful customizable search utility with advanced filtering

Sofia 7.2 also provides support for new RTLS devices. To bring a higher ROI to lower value assets, AiRISTA will introduce BLE-only tags, some even intended to be disposable. And enhancements to existing infrastructure, like the G3 gateway, support not only BLE beaconing but can act as a Wi-Fi gateway to bridge wireless networks while providing a location anchor point. 

The sofia RTLS platform was redesigned from the ground up for an AI capable IoT world. At its core is a streaming broker-based architecture written in the language Go, making it AI friendly and machine learning ready. Combined with the soon-to-be released Flow Studio low-code development environment, cascading code modules combined with condition points create custom workflows that improve business decisions using external integrations and AI modules. The architecture will accept AiRISTA’s planned AI modules and interface with third party AI engines.

Click here for the press release.